12 noviembre 2015

Day 2 Champions League 11/11/15 (Full Videos)

L’Atlètic-Barceloneta supera el Jadran (15-10) i es manté invicte a la Champions (BTV)

 L'Atlètic-Barceloneta s'han imposat per 15 a 10 al Jadran Herceg Novi en la segona jornada de la Champions League de waterpolo. L'equip de Chus Martín ha fet un partit gairebé perfecte. Una bona mostra ha estat el 10 a 4 amb el qual s'ha arribat al descans.
En la represa, els jugadors del Jadran han collat més i el parcial del tercer quart ha estat per als montenegrins. Però l’Atlètic-Barceloneta ha sabut jugar amb el temps i amb la diferència de gols per aconseguir la segona victòria consecutiva en la Champions

Day 2 was really entertaining, producing 121 goals,
 an amazing 20.1 goals per game average. 

Five teams stand with two wins apiece, in fact they are the top favourites to reach the Final Six this 
season. Olympiacos (GRE) is also unbeaten but the Greeks had to settle for another draw after a stunning 
match in Berlin which saw the home side, Spandau coming back from 0-5.

Primorje (CRO) and Barceloneta (ESP) added another win to their tally to top Group A after two rounds.
The Croats managed to overcome Eger (HUN) in a really tough battle, the visitors – holding a guaranteed F6 
spot as the host in June – were on equal terms with last season’s runner-up throughout the match and missed a
 6 on 5 at the end for levelling the score once more (8-7).

Barceloneta found its new scoring-machine, Strahinja Rasovic who netted 5 on Day 1 and now stopped at 6 
goals against Jadran (MNE). The Serb’s hat-trick in 76 seconds (!) at the beginning of the second period 
virtually ended the contest as it put the Spaniards 7-2 ahead and the rest was easy (15-10).

Olympiacos rushed to a 0-5 lead in Berlin right in the first period and was sitting comfortably for most of the time. 
Perhaps too comfortably: despite they were 7-11 up before the last eight minutes, they couldn’t hold on until 
the end. The Germans smelled blood in the fourth and netted four unanswered goals to save the match to 
an 11-11 tie, courtesy of Mehdi Marzouki (5 goals) and Mateo Cuk (4). The Greeks dropped two more points 
after drawing in Eger on Day 1 which makes their journey a tough one already.

Only two rounds were enough to divide Group B: the top three sides made the ‘compulsories’, all stand with 
6 points while the other three are yet to earn one. Title-holder Recco (ITA) downed Partizan: the young 
Serbs withstood the pressure for three periods but collapsed in the last, conceding six straight goals. Recco’s 
first two home games brought telling results: 15-4 and 15-3 – the Italian champion is the team to beat in 
this season as well.

A strong start put Jug (CRO) on the right track in Istanbul: jumping to a 1-6 lead in the middle of the 
second period did the harm, from there Galatasaray (TUR) couldn’t climb back. The game turned into the
 highest-scoring encounter so far in the prelims (10-16) – as well as ensuring the second away win for the Croats.

The all-Hungarian duel between Szolnok and OSC – a rematch of the local league final – ended the usual 
way: Szolnok won, just as they did 7 out 8 times in last season. OSC tried everything to hide their 
structural problems, for a while they succeeded but Szolnok found the answers and rushed to an 8-4 lead 
after being 1-3 down in the second period. OSC had a late surge but their last hit came too late and had to 
leave the pool empty-handed again (8-7).

Champions League, Preliminaries, Day 2

Group A
CNA Barceloneta (ESP) v Jadran Carine Herceg Novi (MNE) 15-10
Spandau 04 (GER) v Olympiacos Piraeus (GRE) 11-11
Primorje Erste Bank Rijeka (CRO) v ZF Eger (HUN) 8-7

1. Barceloneta 6, 1. Primorje 6, 3. Olympiacos 2, 4. Eger 1, 5. Spandau 1, 6. Jadran 0.

Group B
Szolnoki Dozsa-Kozgep (HUN) v A Hid-OSC Budapest (HUN) 8-7
Pro Recco (ITA) v Partizan Belgrade (SRB) 15-3
Galatasaray Istanbul (TUR) v Jug Croatia Osiguranje Dubrovnik (CRO) 10-16

1. Recco 6, 2. Jug 6, 3. Szolnok 6, 4. OSC 0, 5. Galatasaray 0, 6. Partizan 0

Next round: 28 November

Marc Roca: "Es una victoria muy trabajada"

Marc Roca:

12/11/2015 - Buen partido el que se ha visto en la piscina Sant Sebastià esta noche. Un CN Atlètic Barceloneta muy serio y muy metido ha conseguido ya prácticamente desde el segundo cuarto sentenciar un choque en el que, eso sí, el rival ha obligado a mantenerse en guardia hasta el final. El 15—10 refleja bien el gran acierto a nivel ofensivo que ha mostrado el equipo, pero también deja entrever algunos despistes en defensa que, por suerte, han quedado en agua de borrajas.
"Podría parecer una victoria cómoda por el resultado, pero lo cierto es que hemos trabajado mucho durante la semana para preparar el choque. Sabíamos que nos lo pondrían muy difícil, que habría que ir muy duro desde el principio, así lo hemos hecho y en el segundo cuarto hemos podido marcharnos de seis goles. A partir de ahí nos hemos dedicado a administrar el resultado, a saber jugar; es cierto que en el tercer y último cuarto nos han marcado bastantes goles, aunque creo que el arbitraje también ha cambiado un poco", aseguraba Marc Roca a los micrófonos de Catalunya Ràdio al término del partido.
"Ha sido un buen encuentro de nuestra parte, hemos estado bien en ataque, en defensa hasta el tercer cuarto estábamos muy intensos, así que perfecto", reconocía el internacional español, autor de dos goles y que añadía que el acierto en las superioridades ha sido muy importante hoy, al contrario del día del Spandau: "Somos un equipo que estamos aún en fase de preparación, muy nuevo, con bajas muy importantes, con gente joven que tiene que acostumbrarse a nuestro juego. Llevamos tres meses trabajando juntos y estoy seguro que de aquí a final de temporada mejoraremos".
Comunicación RFEN. Foto: Imagen de archivo de Marc Roca / RFEN

Champions: Triunfo y festival ofensivo del CNAB

Champions: Triunfo y festival ofensivo del CNAB

11/11/2015 - Segundo triunfo del CN Atlètic Barceloneta en la presente edición de la LEN Champions League y objetivo inicial cumplido para un conjunto de Chus Martín que hoy ha sido muy superior al Jadran montenegrino (15—10). El cuadro marinero ha dominado de principio a fin con un inmenso Strahinja Rasovic (seis goles) y se coloca en lo más alto de este Grupo B a expensas de lo que haga el Primorje Rijeka. El 28 de noviembre, en Hungría y ante el ZF Eger, tercera jornada.
Buen arranque del conjunto marinero en un primer periodo en el que se han visto alguno de los puntos fuertes de los de Chus Martín. Marc Roca, en la primera superioridad local, hacía subir desde boya el 1-0. Tras la respuesta de Randjic, también en uno de más, el visitante Pjesivac ponía por primera (y única) vez por delante a los suyos desde boya. A partir de entonces, parcial de 3-0 antes de la finalización del primer periodo, al que se llegaba con 4-2 con los tantos de Español, Larumbe y Strahinja Rasovic.
Un jugador serbio que sacaba el manuela en el inicio de los segundos ocho minutos, anotando un tremendo parcial de 3-0 con goles de todos los colores (uno de palomero tras pase a lo ´quarterback´ de Dani López Pinedo, uno de disparo seco lejano y otro de boya). Enlazaba tantos seguidos el cuadro marinero, que cedía el 7-3, obra de Moskov de disparo centrado. Se entestaba Albert Español en no ceder ante su compañero Strahinja en el duelo de cañoneros con dos goles seguidos, el segundo de penalti. Cerraba el cuarto un Minguell que estrenaba su casillero de goles (10-4).
Sziranyi ponía los siete goles de diferencia al comienzo del tercer periodo, lo que precedía a un parcial de 0-3 para el conjunto de Gojkovic, que vivía en este tramo sus mejores minutos del encuentro. Con el marcador 11-7, volvía a aparecer Albert Español con su cuarto tanto, segundo desde el punto de penalti. El 12-8 del joven Vidovic desde boya dejaba aún con alguna esperanza a los montenegrinos, dinamitada por el quinto gol, prácticamente sobre la bocina, de Strahinja Rasovic (13-8).
Con los deberes hechos, seguía gustándose y encandilando a la grada el menor de los Rasovic, un Strahinja que anotaba el 14-8 de tremendo latigazo lejano que no podía ni oler el guardameta visitante Slaven Kandic. Respondía Nikola Janovic (poca cosa hoy del referente visitante) con el 14-9 de penalti en un CNAB que solo tenía ya que dosificar sus posesiones y temporizar para sumar un dos de dos vital de cara a compromisos más complicados. Al final, 15-10, triunfo convincente para los de Chus Martín y pleno de puntos antes de visitar la piscina del ZF Eger el 28 de novimebre. Antes, este sábado, partido por todo lo alto en Sabadell (12.45h).
Resultado: 15-10
Árbitros: Stavropoulos (GRE) y Alexandrescu (RUM).
Cuartos: 4-2, 6-2, 3-4 y 2-2.
Barceloneta: Dani López, Balazs Sziranyi (1), Strahinja Rasovic (6), Nikolas Paul, Marc Larumbe (1), Marc Minguell (1), Marc Roca (2), Albert Español (4), Roger Tahull, Fran Fernández, Viktor Rasovic, Martin Famera y Miquel Linares.
Jadran: Kandic, Ukropina (1), Popadic, Kovacic (1), Vidovic (2), Moskov (1), Banicevic, Janovic (1), Spaic, Randjic (1), Petrovski, Pjesivac (2) y Popovic
Comunicación RFEN. Foto: Presentación de equipos en la Sant Sebastià hoy / RFEN

Enlaces relacionados

Acta virtual y play by play

Inici demolidor

L'Atlètic Barceloneta va esborrar el Jadran abans del descans (10-4) amb un recital ofensiu capitanejat per Albert Español (4) i Strahinja Rasovic (6)

La segona victòria en dos partits els permet encapçalar el grup A

Albert Español, autor de quatre gols ahir, busca una bona posició per llançar davant de l'oposició de dos montenegrins Foto: JOSEP LOSADA.
Lliga de campions
Grup A
Jornada 2
Atl. Barceloneta - Jadran
Primorje - Eger
Spandau - Olympiacòs
Atl. Barceloneta 6
2 2 0 0 24 17
Primorje 6
2 2 0 0 19 16
Olympiacòs 2
2 0 1 0 8 8
Eger 1
2 0 1 1 15 16
Spandau 1
2 0 1 1 18 20
Jadran 0

2 0 0 2 19 26 

L'Atlètic Barceloneta ha resolt positivament les dues primeres jornades de la lliga de campions contra els rivals, a priori, més assequibles i encara que sembli un contrasentit en els partits més compromesos. Els mariners estrenaven a Europa un equip força renovat i poc foguejat i que d'entrada no es podia permetre entrebancs per no complicar-se més del compte l'accés a la final a sis. I se n'ha sortit: lideren el grup A imbatuts mentre que rivals directes com l'Olympiacòs ja s'han deixat punts. Ahir va doblegar el Jadran montenegrí en un festival ofensiu de deu minuts comandat per Albert Español i el serbi Strahinja Rasovic. Els de Chus Martin progressen partit a partit i ho van demostrar en la primera acció en què Marc Roca va culminar una acció de superioritat. La dinàmica en els homes de més es va mantenir tot el duel i van acabar amb un balanç de 4/5, millorant el 2/9 del primer dia. Tot i això, els montenegrins van capgirar la situació (1-2) obrint la porta a la incertesa. Però els catalans la van foragitar, la incertesa, amb un recital en atac de deu minuts que va encetar el jove Marc Larumbe amb un palmeig i que va continuar Albert Español abans que Strahinja Rasovic encadenés quatre gols (8-3). Kovacic va frenar l'envestida. Però va ser un parèntesi. Español va tornar a parlar amb un extraordinari llançament exterior i transformant un penal i Marc Minguell es va afegir a la festa (10-3). Kovaci va tornar a aparèixer per tancar la primera part (10-4). Si bé el tercer quart va començar amb un Sziranyi inspirat des de la boia, l'Atlètic Barceloneta va baixar una marxa i el Jadran ho va aprofitar per maquillar el resultat, tot i que mai es va aproximar a una distància perillosa. Español va estroncar la ratxa de cinc minuts sense marcar des del punt de penal (12-7). Els últims minuts van servir perquè Rasovic tornés a demostrar la seva vàlua amb una vaselina exterior que va sorprendre Kandic i amb un potent i col·locat llançament llunyà en què el porter montenegrí tampoc hi va poder fer res. El serbi acumula 11 gols en les dues jornades de Champions. El duel va acabar com havia començat, amb un gol de Marc Roca. D'aquí a quinze dies els mariners visiten l'Eger, un rival de més entitat, en el primer test fora.


ATLÈTIC BARCELONETA: López Pinedo, Sziranyi (1), S. Rasovic (6), Paul, Larumbe (1), Minguell (1), Roca (2), Español (4), Tahull, Fernández, V. Rasovic i Famera. JADRAN HERCEG NOVI: Kandic, Ukropina (1), Popadic, Kovacic (1), Vidovic (2), Moskov (1), Banicevic, Janovic (1), Spaic, Randjic (2), Petrovski i Pjesivac (2). PARCIALS: 4-2, 6-2, 3-4 i 2-2. ÀRBITRES: Stravopoulos (GRE) i Alexandrescu (ROM).


Hem jugat molt bé en atac i fins al tercer quart també en defensa. Un partit perfecte
Marc Roca

Hem posat un ritme alt, hem estat molt encertats en l'home de més d'inici. Treball brutal de l'equip
Chus Martin

Szolnok holds off OSC, Spandau storms back to tie Olympiacos

Three goals in a row only cut the deficit but with Adam Decker's hit just 14 seconds away from the end of the game a late surge by OSC was not enough to complete a comeback against Szolnok who held on for the 8-7 win at home on day 2 of the Champions League preliminary phase. The anticipated all-Hungarian battle was expectedly close in the first half before national champions Szolnok took command in the third session. Consecutive goals by Daniel Varga, Zivko Gocic and Denes Varga changed the score from 3-3 at half-time into a 6-3 lead midway through the third. Miklos Gor-Nagy responded for OSC but Denes Varga was quick to erase that hit with one of his own as Szolnok led 7-4 going into the final term. There the decisive blow was delivered by Daniel Varga who scored his 2nd of the night for the 8-4 score. The game looked well played but OSC was not done. Three goals later the margin was trimmed to just 1 but time ran out on OSC's attempt for a comeback. They remain pointless after round 2 of the 10-round prelims after suffering a loss to Jug at home on day 1. Meanwhile Szolnok gained their 2nd straight win and enjoy an expected comfortable position in group B.

Jug gained a comfortable win in Istanbul where the 3rd game in 6 days was also won. Galatasaray suffered from a sloppy first half and could only get back by scoring 10 goals. On the other end however Jug steamrolled to scoring 16, led by Felipe Perrone's 4, as the 2nd straight Champions League was therewith confirmed. The Turkish home side, coming off winning the Turkish cup last weekend, had no answers to the Jug offence in the first half as the Croats quickly jumped out while having little to fear from the Galatasaray offence which looked simply unable to break the Croatian defence. In the remainder of the match the home team however came more and more into their rhythm also benefiting from Jug's lack of concentration now and then. But the outcome was never in doubt with both teams exchanging goals in the second half en route to the 26-goal showdown. 

The third favourite in the group, defending champs Pro Recco, enjoyed an easy round. Like the previous one, in which Galatasaray was dominated, Partizan also was no real contender in Wednesday's match-up in Sori. The home side took command after a slow start and slowed down again in the second period. After things got clear in the third term however Recco really got on a roll in the final session and thanks to that 6-0 run posted a clear 15-3 blowout win. Top scorer for the Italian powerhouse was Francesco di Fulvio who netted 3 shots.  The squad once more showcased its deep offensive strength as 8 different players scored at leat a goal for the winning side.

In group A Barceloneta celebrated a nice performance following their tough 9-7 win over Spandau on day 1. On Wednesday the offensive tandem of shooters Strahinja Rasovic and Albert Español was in full swing for the Spanish champs who posted a convincing 15-10 win over Montenegro's best Jadran Herceg Novi. Conceding 10 goals will likely not be much to the satisfaction of Barceloneta coach Chus Martin but on offence he had nothing to be worried about. The home side already led 4-2 at quarter time and even walked further away in the second term. After centre forward Balazs Sziranyi scored the 11-4 goal early in the 3rd quarter the game looked over. Despite 10 more goals were scored in the remainder Barceloneta's win was never in doubt as they gained a nice 2nd straight victory exploiting their start to the Champions League preliminary stage with 2 home games.

Spandau made headlines later on the night by drawing level with Olympiacos. A striking result gained by storming back in the game in the final period. A nice 4-0 stretch had the German home team earning a point out of a match in which for three quarters the Greek visitors looked well underway to gaining a comfortable win. But standouts and top scorers Mehdi Marzouki (5 goals) and Mateo Cuk (4) had different plans. Each struck twice in the late 4-0 run to lift Spandau next to Olympiacos, even with still 2 minutes remaining. Olympiacos got a man-up opportunity in the remainder but could not convert as both teams had to settle for the 11-11 tie, the 2nd in a row for Olympiacos who were very much hoping for three points. 

Champions League 2015-2016
Preliminary phase

Wednesday, 11 November - Round 2

Group A
CN Atletic-Barceloneta (ESP) vs. Jadran Carine Herceg Novi (MNE) 15-10 (4-2, 6-2, 3-4, 2-2)
Barceloneta scorers: Strahinja Rasovic 6, Albert Español 4, Marc Roca 2, Balazs Sziranyi, Marc Larumbe, Marc Minguell.

Jadran scorers: Stefan Vidovic 2, Miroslav Randjic 2, Stefan Pjesivac 2, Aleksa Ukropina, Zeljko Kovacic, Nikola Moskov, Nikola Janovic.

Wasserfreunde Spandau Berlin (GER) vs. Olympiacos Piraeus (GRE) (1-6, 3-1, 3-4, 4-0)

Spandau scorers: Mehdi Marzouki 5, Mateo Cuk 4, Remi Saudadier, Erik Miers.

Olympiacos scorers: Georgios Ntoskas 2, Christodoulos Kolomvos 2, Emmanouil Mylonakis, Evangelos Delakas, Ioannis Fountoulis, Kiriakos Pontikeas, Konstantinos Mourikis, Angelos Vlachopoulos.

20.45: VK Primorje EB Rijeka (CRO) vs. ZF-Eger (HUN)

Current standings:

1. CN Atletic-Barceloneta 2 - 6 pts
2. Primorje EB Rijeka 1 - 3
3. Olympiacos Piraeus 2 - 2
4. ZF-Eger 1 - 1
5. Wasserfreunde Spandau Berlin 2 - 1
6. Jadran Carine Herceg Novi 2 - 0

Group B

Szolnoki VSK (HUN) vs. OSC (HUN) 8-7 (1-2, 2-1, 4-1, 1-3)
Szolnok scorers: Daniel Varga 2, Denes Varga 2, Stefan Mitrovic 2, Zivko Gocic, Aaron Younger.

Osc scorers: Kevin Graham 2, Adam Decker, Bence Batori, Miklos Gor-Nagy, Erik Bundschuh, Drasko Brguljan.

Pro Recco (ITA) vs. Partizan Raiffeisen Belgrade (SRB) 15-3 (5-2, 1-0, 3-1, 6-0)
Pro Recco scorers: Francesco di Fulvio 3, Dusan Mandic 2, Andrija Prlainovic 2, Niccolo' Figari 2, Aleksandar Ivovic 2, Massimo Giacoppo 2, Dusko Pijetlovic, Sandro Sukno.

Partizan scorers: Gavril Subotic, Radomir Drasovic, Djordje Vucinic.

Galatasaray Istanbul (TUR) vs. Jug CO Dubrovnik (CRO) 10-16 (0-3, 3-4, 4-4, 3-5)
Galatasaray scorers: Slobodan Nikic 3, Mladjan Janovic 2, Nesfet Ozbek 2, Safak Simsek, Atakan Destici, Nikola Vukcevic.

Jug scorers: Felipe Perrone 4, Josip Vrlic 3, Luka Loncar 2, Maro Jokovic 2, Hrvoje Benic 2, Xavi Garcia, Pavo Markovic, Paulo Obradovic.

Current standings:

1. Pro Recco 2 - 6 pts
2. Szolnoki VSK 2 - 6
3. Jug CO Dubrovnik 2 - 6
4. OSC 2 -0
5. Galatasaray Istanbul 2 - 0
6. Partizan Raiffeisen Belgrade 2 - 0

N.b.: time mentioned is local time.

Eger’s visit to Rijeka and the all-Hungarian clash between Szolnok 
and OSC highlights the second day of the prelims in the Champions League.


Group A
19.15 CNA Barceloneta (ESP) v Jadran Carine Herceg Novi (MNE)
Barceloneta started its campaign with a hard-fought win against Spandau: 
for a while it seemed the Spaniards would win with ease but at the end they 
had to dig deep to keep their lead. In the meantime the young Montenegrins also
 gave a tough test to last season’s runner-up Primorje. However, Jadran looked strong
 at home, now they should come up with something special against Barceloneta.
 The have some good spells in the weekend, though, beating Partizan in Belgrade 12-10
 in the Regional League.

Chus Martin, head coach of Barceloneta
“This is a very important match for us because it’s the second game at home and we
 have to be very strong in our pool if we want reserve the chance to access the Final Six. 
Jadras is a team of very good quality, young players with a great coach who is also
 the head coach of the Montenegrin national team. We have to play a good game and 
have to improve our play in man-ups and man-downs in order to secure the win.

19.45 Spandau 04 (GER) v Olympiacos Piraeus (GRE)
Though Spandau lost, it was a good start to play a really even game in Barcelona. 
The Germans cannot have high hopes for making the Final Six, besides Eger – enjoying
 automatic qualification as the host of the F6 – further three sides had much better 
chances in the group, still, Spandau can cause some headaches even for the strongest ones. 
For Olympiacos, too – the Greeks saved their opening game in Eger to a tie, which is a fine 
start and they are desperate to reach the last stage this time. Winning in Berlin is a must 
to reach their goal, but it’s definitely not an easy task, let’s say definitely not easier than 
playing at home: they won their first four games in the Greek league scoring 90 goals 
en route.

Theodoros Vlachos, head coach of Olympiacos:
“I think that we are well prepared and the level of our confidence is high. 
We have to be focused in order to get through the difficulties an away game has. 
We want to gain our first away win in this game.”

Konstantinos Mourikis, player of Olympiacos:
“This is our second away game in a row, but we want to win as this is our goal in 
every single game. I think we are a better team than Spandau and if we play according 
to our ability we have a really strong chance to win.”

20.45 Primorje Erste Bank Rijeka (CRO) v ZF Eger (HUN)
Two years ago Primorje downed Eger – it was a brutal bust-up, 20-7 they won and after
 that game Eger fired its coach. The successor, Norbert Dabrowski will return to the 
Adriatic coast for the first time as a head coach – the line-ups differ from the ones in 
2013, but more at Eger’s side. The Hungarians lost a big match in the weekend in Szolnok, 
they struggled to score – netted only 4 goals – so they have to find out something better 
in order to be on equal terms with the Croats who can welcome back Damir Buric who 
missed the opening round.
Norbert Dabrowski, head coach of ZF-Eger:
“The upcoming match is very important for us and for Rijeka too. Not only for the points, 
but also for saving our face.”
Péter Biros, captain of ZF-Eger
“We cannot play so bad as we did in the weekend against Szolnok. We can play better 
and I think we can win in Rijeka.”
Balázs Erdélyi, player ZF-Eger
“I'm happy that the upcoming game is also a big challenge. We need to concentrate to 
return to our form.”

1. Primorje 3, 2. Barceloneta 3, 3-4. Eger and Olympiacos 1-1, 5. Jadran 0, 6. Spandau 0

Group B
17.30 Szolnoki Dozsa-Kozgep (HUN) v A Hid-OSC Budapest (HUN)
The all-Hungarian clash has a special taste: at the beginning of the last season these
 two met in the third round of the qualification and Szolnok ousted OSC in a really
 balanced battle – at the end of the season they contested the domestic league final 
and Szolnok prevailed again. The champion team had a perfect record at home last year 
in the Champions League and after beating Eger in the weekend they are ready to offer 
another fine performance. OSC has problems in a key position – as of today they don’t have
 two really strong centre-forwards – and that left its mark on their opening game which 
they lost to Jug. Bouncing back looks hard but Budapest based side is famous for causing 

Sándor Cseh, head coach of Szolnok
“In the past season only we could defeat OSC. I am not boasting, it is a fact: we
played 8 games against them in national championship, in Hungarian Cup and in 
Champions League qualification round and we beat them 7 times. Certainly this 
does not mean that we are not preparing for the clash. OSC is a very good and strong team.
 It cannot mislead us that they lost their first game to Dubrovnik. We would like to win 
this encounter on Wednesday evening and we will do our very best to achieve it.”

Tamás Mezei, centre-forward of Szolnok
“We haven’t met OSC in the current season with our new line-up. A Champions League
 game cannot be compered to a national championship game, it is a different atmosphere, 
different referees and so on.  What is for sure that the Wednesday evening game will be 
a very tough encounter.”

Balazs Vincze, head coach of OSC
We are still hoping that at least one of our centre-forwards will be healthy enough to
 play in Szolnok otherwise we face a mission impossible. We have structural problems 
anyway but without centre-forwards there no way to beat Szolnok.

19.15 Pro Recco (ITA) v Partizan Belgrade (SRB)
Anything else than an easy win for Pro Recco would be a surprise: the title-holder 
is way stronger than the young Serbian team – especially after the summer transfer of 
Dusan Mandic who left Partizan for Recco. The leftie was the engine of Partizan’s play, 
without his goals the team looks much weaker, especially in international waters. Add 
the other members of Recco’s Yugoslavian mix and the outcome is predictable: a one-sided 
match and a multiple-goals win to the Italians.

20.00 Galatasaray Istanbul (TUR) v Jug Croatia Osiguranje Dubrovnik (CRO)
On their better days the Serbian-Montenegrin players of Galatasaray can impose a
 threat to stronger sides – especially after the arrival of the new head coach, Igor 
Milanovic. The legendary Serbian led Recco to win the trophy last May (in 2011 he
 did the same with Partizan) – this match can be the first real test of his work as the 
opening game in Recco didn’t promise too much to Galata and indeed they got a heavy
 beating. Playing against Jug is not much easier either, still, at home they can cause an
 upset. However, the Croats, semi-finalists in the spring, will also have a word: starting 
with two away wins (Budapest, Istanbul) would serve as a pretty solid base to go through 

1. Recco 3, 2. Szolnok 3, 3. Jug 3, 4. OSC 0, 5. Partizan 0, 6. Galatasaray 0

Euro Cup, Quarter-finals, 1st leg

In the Euro Cup the four sides making the qualifications face the four losing teams 
of the third round of the Champions League qualifications. All four matches look pretty 
balanced so an action-packed evening is in sight in this competition as well!
18.30: Kinef Kirishi (RUS) v AN Brescia (ITA)
18.30: Diapolo-Szeged (HUN) v Waspo 98 Hannover (GER)
19.30: Mornar Brodospas Split (CRO) v CSM DiGi Oradea (ROU)
20.00: CN Marseille (FRA) v Sintez Kazan (RUS)

Champions: Barceloneta, a por el dos de dos

Champions: Barceloneta, a por el dos de dos

10/11/2015 - El CN Atlètic Barceloneta vuelve a la máxima competición continental después de empezar su andadura con una trabajada victoria ante el Spandau 04 Berlin en la piscina Sant Sebastià. El cuadro que dirige Chus Martín juega otra vez en su feudo, esta vez ante el Jadran Herceg Novi de Montenegro, un equipo que llega de la III Ronda y que debutó contra Primorje Rijeka con una ajustada derrota en casa (9—11).
Vital para los intereses del conjunto marinero sumar seis de seis en estos dos primeros partidos en la Sant Sebastià. Después de dos encuentros ligueros en los que se mostraron algo irregulares (8-8 frente a Mataró y victoria casi sobre la bocina por 6-7 en Sant Andreu), parece el CNAB vuelve a carburar, espoleado por el sudado pero convincente triunfo ante el Spandau en la jornada inaugural de esta LEN Champions League (9-7). Tal y como nos dijo después del partido Marc Minguell, "la idea era cerrar antes el partido y sentenciar, pero en Champions todos los equipos te pueden complicar".
Sin duda el Jadran Herceg Novi de Montenegro volverá a ser una piedra de toque importante, a pesar de ser un equipo que baja bastante cuando juega fuera. Los balcánicos, por ejemplo, se valieron de un gran resultado cosechado en su piscina (14-8) para pasar a la ronda preliminar ante un Brescia que en Italia le endosó un 12-8, insuficiente, eso sí, para dar la vuelta a la tortilla. El equipo montenegrino fue uno de los verdugos, en II Ronda, de la eliminación del CN Sabadell; Jadran venció a los de Chava por un ajustado 6-7, teniendo los vallesanos el choque encarrilado a poco para el final.
Solo con la duda de un Alberto Munárriz que tuvo que ser hospitalizado el miércoles pasado por un golpe en el ojo y que no participó en la victoria del sábado ante CN Rubí, Chus Martín dispone de toda su artillería para seguir con paso firme en este Grupo A, en el que solo ellos y Primorje fueron capaces de sumar los tres puntos. "Es nuestro segundo partido consecutivo en nuestras piscina y debemos ser fuertes si queremos acceder a la Final Six. Jadran es un equipo con mucha calidad, con muchos jugadores jóvenes y un gran entrenador, por lo que debemos ser eficaces en las superioridades e inferioridades numéricas", asegura Chus Martín, técnico marinero.
El resto de españoles en liza tienen una jornada complicada en líneas generales. El Primorje Rijeka de Chalo Echenique, que superó en Herceg Novi al Jadran (9-11) en su partido inaugural, recibe al ZF Eger en casa (20.45h), un equipo peligroso a pesar de estar ya clasificado para la Final Six como anfitrión. El Olympiacos de Blai Mallarach se desplaza a Berlín para medirse al Spandau (19.30h) tras cosechar un meritorio empate en Hungría (8-8 frente a Eger). Por último, JUG Dubrovnik se enfrentará al Galatasaray en Estambul (20.00h). Los de Xavi García vencieron al OSC Budapest por 7-9.
Sergi Capdevila (Comunicación RFEN). Foto: Fran Fernández, en una jugada del partido ante el Spandau / RFEN

Enlaces relacionados

Champions League openers winners to go for flying start

With day 2 of the preliminary round in the Champions League coming up, the opportunity arises for the winning teams of day 1 to experience a flying start. As the victors of matchday 1 avoid meeting one another on Wednesday the respective teams are set to 2-0 in what could be a great start to the prelims phase of Europe's top-tier club competition. In group B a rematch of last year's play-off finals in Hungary is scheduled with national champs Szolnok hosting OSC. Szolnok, who shook off Partizan 9-14 on day 1 in Belgrade, and defeated main contender in the domestic group A, ZF-Eger 9-4 last Saturday, will be up for a tough match-up when OSC comes to town. Szolnok last season finally became champions of Hungary in their 3rd straight finals series by beating OSC 3-0 including a 14-7 win at home in game 3. This season the sides will not meet in the domestic championship regular season as Szolnok tops group A and OSC leads group B but will be set to go head to head in the Champions League prelims for the first time since their domestic finals match-up. An interesting battle, also knowing Szolnok could go for a 2-0 record in the competitive group B while OSC fell to Jug 7-9 in round 1 at home and will be seeking points in revenge on their Hungarian rivals.

For defending champs Pro Recco that 2nd straight win is almost expected when hosting the young team of Partizan in Sori on Wednesday. For Dusan Mandic, who left the Serbian squad last summer, it will be a special meeting facing his former long-time team-mates but he is now part of the dominant force from Italy who raced past Galatasaray 15-4 on day 1 and are likely to do the same against Partizan. The young, talented Serbian squad lost to Szolnok 9-14 at home in the opening round and will be up for a daunting task likely using Wednesday's match as a learning moment for the youngsters who will be seeking points when playing Galatasaray later on this Champions League campaign. The Turkish champs meanwhile take on Jug Dubrovnik at home. The Croatian favourites will be playing their 3rd match in 6 days and just that fact could be of interest to the home side who would have wanted to play that much since lacking rhythm was obvious in their big loss vs. Recco two weeks ago. With Paulo Obradovic having joined the team after illness last Sunday, Jug's balanced roster will be simply looking for another win in Istanbul.

In group A also the pair of winning squads on day 1 avoid each other in round 2 on Wednesday. Each though will have some tough match-ups to look forward to in their quest of gaining a 2nd straight win. Barceloneta, after their 9-7 win over Spandau two weeks ago, will play home again with now Jadran Herceg Novi visiting. The Montenegrin side, back to the Champions League prelims, are growing each week and show their strength in the recent results. They fell to Primorje just 7-9 in round 1 and currently hold 2nd place in the rankings of the Regional league, behind unbeaten Jug Dubrovnik. The team, led by veteran captain Nikola Janovic, and coached by former great Vladimir Gojkovic, having a playing style that doesn't suit the dynamic Spanish champs, although starring acquisitions Strahinja and Viktor Rasovic know how that is being done, coming from Red Star Belgrade. With two playing style colliding it will be interesting to see who is coming out on top in Barcelona's port on Wednesday.
A similar challenge awaits Primorje when Eger comes to town. The Hungarians, who drew level with Olympiacos in round 1, will know a maybe even tougher match-up is up next. The question will be how their disappointing 9-4 loss to Szolnok is taken by the players and how they can respond in Wednesday's match vs. last year's Champions League finalists Primorje. The Croatian champs experienced a tough call in Herceg Novi but still beat Jadran 9-11 and are still perfect in the Regional league. Playing at home they will be favourites for a win over the Hungarian number 3 but will be familiar with the strength of the Eger roster, especially their starters. 
The second team to have gained a point out of round 1, Olympiacos, is headed to Berlin to meet German champion Spandau. The German side is well-known for being tough to deal with at home but Olympiacos nevertheless will need nothing less than a win in their quest of finally making it to the Final Six. As Eger is already sure of making it to the final tournament in Budapest just two spots are available in this group so points will be very costly. And after the escape in Eger thanks to a late equaliser by Blai Mallarach for the 8-8 final score, the ambitious Greeks will be seeking more in Berlin in order to not lose ground on the favourite teams in group A right away.
Champions League 2015-2016
Preliminary phase

Wednesday, 11 November - Round 2

Group A
19.15: CN Atletic-Barceloneta (ESP) vs. Jadran Carine Herceg Novi (MNE)
19.30: Wasserfreunde Spandau Berlin (GER) vs. Olympiacos Piraeus (GRE)
20.45: VK Primorje EB Rijeka (CRO) vs. ZF-Eger (HUN)

Current standings:

1. Primorje EB Rijeka 1 - 3 pts
2. CN Atletic-Barceloneta 1 - 3
3. ZF-Eger 1 - 1
4. Olympiacos Piraeus 1 - 1
5. Jadran Carine Herceg Novi 1 - 0
6. Wasserfreunde Spandau Berlin 1 - 0

Group B

17.30: Szolnoki VSK (HUN) vs. OSC (HUN)
19.15: Pro Recco (ITA) vs. Partizan Raiffeisen Belgrade (SRB)
20.00: Galatasaray Istanbul (TUR) vs. Jug CO Dubrovnik (CRO)

Current standings:

1. Pro Recco 1 - 3 pts
2. Szolnoki VSK 1 - 3
3. Jug CO Dubrovnik 1 - 3
4. OSC 1 - 0
5. Partizan Raiffeisen Belgrade 1 - 0
6. Galatasaray Istanbul 1 - 0

N.b.: time mentioned is local time.

L’Atlètic-Barceloneta rebrà el Jadran en la segona jornada de la Champions (BTV)

L'Atlètic-Barceloneta s'enfrontarà al Jadran Herceg Novi de Montenegro en la segona jornada de la Champions League de waterpolo. L'equip mariner disputarà el segon partit a casa després de guanyar en la primera jornada l'Spandau 04 de Berlín. El Jadran, que va perdre en la primera jornada contra el Primorje, no serà un rival fàcil.
L’Atlètic-Barceloneta no podrà comptar amb el defensa Alberto Munárriz, que està de baixa per lesió. El partit entre l’Atlètic-Barceloneta i el Jadran Herceg Novi començarà a un quart de vuit de la tarda a la piscina de Sant Sebastià.

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