11 agosto 2014

Mundial Junior Masculino Istanbul 2014 (actualización diaria)

WATERPOLO - Subcampions del món juvenils!!!

  Pol Barbena, Sergi Cabanas, Marc Corbalan, Borja Fenoy, Guillem Garcia, Miquel Gasulla, Miquel Linares, Agustí Pericas, Xavier Serra i Roger Tahul s'han proclamat aquesta tarda subcampions del món juvenil a Istambul. Aquests 10 jugadors catalans han format part de l'equip de 13 que aquesta tarda han jugat la final del mundial sub-18 aconseguint un empat a 5 contra Hongria i després jugant-se la medalla d'or als penals. Una tanda que han gunayat els hongaresos per un resultat final de 10 a 8. 

En l'àmbit dels trofeus personals el waterpolo català també està d'enhorabona ja que el jugador del C.N.Atlètic Barceloneta, Roger Tahull ha estat designat MVP del Mundial. 

Per aquesta medalla de plata, pel grandíssim campionat dels nostres 10 jugadors, pel trofeu personal a Roger Tahull i pel futur espectacular que demostra tenir el waterpolo català la Federació Catalana de Natació, en nom de la Junta Directiva i del seu President Enric Bertrán felicita als medallistes , al seu tècnic, el també català del C.N.Atlètic Barceloneta, David Martin, i al C.N.Atlètic Barceloneta, al C.N.Barcelona, al C.N.Sabadell, al C.E.Mediterrani, al C.N.Mataró, al C.N.Terrassa i al C.N.Granollers, els clubs dels jugadors medallistes a més de fer una menció especial al staff tècnic de la FCN, director tècnic Quim Colet i tècnics Ferran Plana, Jordi Valls i Yurema Sabio per la gran tasca de formació dels medallistes en el centre de tecnificació de waterpolo de la FCN. 

FINA World Men's Youth Water Polo 
Championships 2014 – ISTANBUL (TUR)


Stephen O’BRIEN (IRL) 
Shi Wei NI (CHN) 
Thomas SCHLUNZ (GER)) 


William MACKAY (CAN)
Gyorgy KUN (HUN) 
Hamed Daei TAGHI (IRI)
Alessandro SEVERO (ITA) 
Michael BROOKS (NZL) 
Fernando VARELA (PER)
Ernest Iñesta (ESP)
Gökhan Can CİĞER (TUR) 

Los subcampeones mundiales, ya en casa

Los subcampeones mundiales, ya en casa

11/08/2014 - Regresó este mediodía la expedición RFEN de Turquía. Los flamantes subcampeones del mundo —la Selección Juvenil Masculina— estaba radiante tras su medalla de plata de los Campeonatos del Mundo de Estambul pese a la decepción momentánea tras perder el oro a penalties con Hungría. Roger Thaull fue designado MVP del Campeonato y lo cierto es que el trabajo de Federaciones, Clubes, jugadores y staff técnico liderado por los ex internacionales David Martín y Mario García ha sido excelente.
Comunicación RFEN. Foto: Llegada de la Selección Juvenil española este lunes al Aeropuerto de El Prat / Área WP RFEN


Hungary wins world youth championship

|Sunday 10 August 2014, 21:00|Tim Hartog

Hungary is the new U18 men's world champion. In a nail-biting gold medal final the Magyars edged Spain 10-8 in a penalty shoot-out. The penalties were needed as both sides were tied 5-5 after regulation. Spain, after scoring the equaliser with just over a minute remaining, even were close to the win but their best attempt in the final phase hit the crossbar. In the shoot-out Hungary remained perfect while the only Spanish miss proved costly as the György Horkai coached Hungarians became the successor of inaugural and 2012 world champion Italy. Meanwhile Spain finished a nice tournanent with a silver medal. Russia finished third holding off Serbia 11-9 in the bronze medal. Montenegro took fifth in a high-scoring battle topping hosts Turkey. Seventh place was won by Italy who, in the final day's opening match, defeated Croatia 8-10.

2nd FINA World Men's Youth Championships
Age 18 & under

Ataköy Sutopu Federasyonu Olimpik Yuzme Havuzu
Istanbul, Turkey

2-10 August

Schedule and results

Sunday 10 August (final round):

10.30: Croatia (L65) vs. Italy (L66) 8-10 (1-1, 3-4, 3-3, 1-2) - (7th/8th place)
12.00: Turkey (W65 vs. Montenegro (W66) 13-14 (??, ??, ??, ??) - (5th/6th place)
18.00: Russia (L67) vs. Serbia (L68) 11-9 (??, ??, ??, ??) - (3rd/4th place)
19.30: Hungary (W67) vs. Spain (W68) 10-8 (1-0, 1-3, 1-1, 2-1; penalties: 5-3) - (1st/2nd place)

Final rankings

1. Hungary
2. Spain
3. Russia
4. Serbia
5. Montenegro
6. Turkey
7. Italy
8. Croatia
9. Australia
10. Canada
11. USA
12. Japan
13. Brazil
14. Kazakhstan
15. Egypt
16. Argentina
17. Iran
18. South Africa
19. New Zealand
20. Peru

Previous results


¡España, subcampeona del Mundo Juvenil!

¡España, subcampeona del Mundo Juvenil!

10/08/2014 - La Selección Masculina Juvenil se ha colgado la medalla de plata en el Mundial de Estambul tras caer en la tanda de penaltis ante Hungría (5—5 en el tiempo reglamentario, 10—8 final). El equipo de David Martín cierra con ello un gran campeonato y reivindica el gran trabajo de nuestros clubes y Federaciones Territoriales con una segunda plaza con sabor a oro. Rusia ha completado el podio tras imponerse a Serbia en el duelo por el bronce.
El partido más deseado del campeonato ha arrancado con una tónica goleadora muy baja. Hungría ha golpeado primero, pero ha sido España quien se ha hecho con el mando desde entonces, dominando con mínimas ventajas hasta llevar al descanso el 2-3. David Martín pedía cautela desde el banco en el descanso, intermedio que ha concluido con la conjura española.
Las cosas no podían empezar mejor para los nuestros en el tercer período. Gol desde el arco y máxima renta del partido hasta ese momento (2-4). La Selección daba la sensación de tener el choque bajo control, e incluso ha dispuesto de opciones para adelantarse con tres goles de distancia. Sin embargo, ha sido el conjunto magiar quien ha recuperado terreno, firmando con un chute exterior el 3-4 con que ha concluido el tercer período. En los ocho minutos definitivos, ambos equipos han arrancado dispuestos a anotar. Micky Linares ha desbaratado una clara opción desde el arco, y en la opción siguiente, España ha estrellado un claro lanzamiento en la madera. Hacia el ecuador del cuarto se han producido las dos jugadas fatídicas ara los nuestros, con el 4-4 en opción de superioridad, y el posterior 5-4, que ha llegado cuando el corno reflejaba 4 minutos para el final. A sabiendas de que quedaba mucho por jugar y con la experiencia de los encuentros precedentes, España ha persistido para acabar firmando el 5-5 a 1’06 de la conclusión.
Las últimas opciones para ambos equipos han sido agónicas. Micky Linares ha salvado el 6-5 con una magnífica intervención y la ayuda del palo a 41 segundos, madera que también ha repelido el lanzamiento español a 10 de la conclusión, lo que relegaba la decisión del choque, por tercer partido consecutivo, a los lanzamientos de penalti.
En la tanda definitiva, la parada del meta húngaro en el primer lanzamiento español ha sido clave. Desde este momento, ni uno ni otro equipo erraría sus lanzamientos, lo que refleja el 10-8 definitivo que rubrica la medalla de plata para los nuestros, un excelente trabajo en el debut como seleccionadores de David Martín y Mario García. Ha completado el medallero Rusia, que se ha hecho con el Bronce al batir a Serbia por un ajustado 11-9. 

Resultados del campeonato: AQUÍ


¡¡España, a la final del Mundial Juvenil!!

09/08/2014 - España ha batido a Serbia en los penaltis tras empatar a cinco en el tiempo reglamentario y se ha adjudicado el pase a la gran final del campeonato del Mundo de Estambul. El meta español, Micky Linares, ha sido clave en la tanda final, deteniendo dos lanzamientos que mantienen a los nuestros lanzados en el torneo, donde continúan como invictos. España se medirá mañana en la gran final a Hungría.
No hay quien pare a la España Juvenil de David Martín y Mario García. El conjunto español ha vuelto a volcar los favoritismos para adjudicarse la clasificación ante uno de los grandes favoritos del campeonato, Serbia, que había batido a los nuestros en la Vikelas Cup, último torneo de preparación antes del evento.
El choque de hoy ha llegado al fin del tiempo reglamentario con igualada a cinco dianas, gracias a los goles de Roger Tahull (2), Miquel Gasulla, Borja Fenoy y Sergi Cabanas. En los lanzamientos de cinco metros, la diferencia la ha marcado el meta Micky Linares, que ha detenido dos penaltis para adjudicar la tanda y el partido a los nuestros por 4-3 (agregado de 9-8).
La Selección se medirá mañana en la gran final a Hungría, que se ha deshecho de Rusia en la otra semifinal. El último precedente entre ambos equipos nos devuelve a la fase de grupos con empate.

Hungary and Spain in the final - Istanbul day 8

|Saturday 09 August 2014, 20:31|Tim Hartog

The final game for the 2014 world men's youth championship will see Hungary taking on Spain. The Hungarians held off Russia 5-3 in a tense semi-final, followed by Spain eliminating the title favorites Serbia on penalties after a 5-all tie at the end of regulation. Spanish goalie Micky Linares emerged as hero stopping two Serbian penalty shots attempt in the shoot-out as the Spaniards prevailed 4-3 to win 9-8. In the early session's ranking matches New Zealand avoid a last-place finish by beating Peru 8-17 in Saturday's opening match in Istanbul to finish 19th. Iran won the battle for 17th edging South Africa 8-9. A second straight close encounter was to be seen as Argentina and Egypt took center stage in the Galatasaray pool early afternoon. Penalties were need to determine the 15th place ranked side which turned out to be Egypt who won the shoot-out 4-5 as the final score was 16-17. Over at the Atakoy outdoor pool it was Brazil who dominated Kazakhstan 7-21 in the early morning to kick off action there, followed by USA who edged Japan 11-12 on penalties. Australia als finished their tournament victorious racing past Canada in the second half to eventually win 6-10. Hosts Turkey recorded another nice victory, this time holding off Croatia 8-5 to now play for 5th place on Sunday. They will face Montenegro who held off outgoing champions Italy in a high-scoring match-up 13-12.
2nd FINA World Men's Youth Championships
Age 18 & under

Ataköy Sutopu Federasyonu Olimpik Yuzme Havuzu
Istanbul, Turkey

2-10 August

Schedule and results

Saturday, 9 August (semi-final and final round):

10.00: Peru (L49) vs. New Zealand (L51) 8-17 (1-3, 2-5, 3-4, 2-5) - game 59 (to be played in Galatasaray Swimming Pool)
11.30: South Africa (W49) vs. Iran (W51) 8-9 (2-4, 0-2, 3-1, 3-2) - game 60 (to be played in Galatasaray Swimming Pool)
13.00: Argentina (L50) vs. Egypt (L52) 16-17 (2-3, 4-2, 1-5, 5-2; penalties: 4-5) - game 61 (to be played in Galatasaray Swimming Pool)

09.00: Kazakhstan (W50) vs. Brazil (W52) 7-21 (1-5, 1-5, 4-4, 1-7) - game 62
10.20: Japan (L53) vs. USA (L54) 11-12 (2-1, 3-2, 2-3, 1-2; penalties: 3-4) - game 63
11.40: Canada (W53) vs. Australia (W54) 6-10 (1-0, 2-2, 1-5, 2-3) - game 64
13.00: Turkey (L55) vs. Croatia (L57) 8-5 (1-0, 3-1, 2-2, 2-2) - game 65
16.00: Montenegro (L56) vs. Italy (L58) 13-12 (3-3, 4-2, 2-3, 4-4) - game 66

17.20: Hungary (W55) vs. Russia (W57) 5-3 (0-1, 3-1, 1-1, 1-0) - game 67
18.40: Spain (W56) vs. Serbia (W58) 9-8 (2-2, 0-2, 2-0, 1-1; penalties: 4-3) - game 68

Sunday 10 August (final round):

10.30: Croatia (L65) vs. Italy (L66) (7th/8th place)
12.00: Turkey (W65 vs. Montenegro (W66) (5th/6th place)
18.00: Russia (L67) vs. Serbia (L68) (3rd/4th place)
19.30: Hungary (W67) vs. Spain (W68) (1st/2nd place)


Semifinales :

Mundial Juvenil: ¡España, a semifinales!

08/08/2014 - La Selección Juvenil Masculina ha sellado su paso a las semifinales tras un tenso encuentro ante Montenegro que se ha acabado decidiendo en los lanzamientos de penalti. En este decisivo trance, el 3—5 favorable a los nuestros mantiene al equipo de David Martín y Mario García en el camino de la medalla mundialista ante Serbia, que ha derrotado a Italia.
España avanza con paso firme en Estambul. Hoy tocaba hacer frente a Montenegro, uno de los rivales más temidos por su condición de favorito al título. El encuentro ha discurrido en plena igualdad hasta acabar al fin de los minutos reglamentarios con empate a 9 (1-2, 2-1, 3-3 y 3-3), con tantos de Miquel Gasulla (3), Alejandro Bustos (3), Borja Fenoy (2) y Roger Tahull (1). En los lanzamientos desde cinco metros, los nuestros se han demostrado más certeros, imponiéndose por 3-5 para dejar el resultado en el definitivo 12-14, que otorga el billete a las semifinales de mañana ante Serbia.

Spain, Russia win on penalties - Istanbul day 7

|Friday 08 August 2014, 20:21|Tim Hartog

The Atakoy swimming pool in Istanbul witnessed some thrilling matches on Friday as the quarter-finals of the 2014 men's world youth championships unfolded. Two of four encounters were tied after regulation and thuis needed a shoot-out to determine the winner. In the first two match-ups Spain edged Montenegro via penalties 3-5 and a 12-14 final score, followed by Russia who held their nerves in an 11-goal shoot-out series before topping Croatia 12-11. The third and fourth quarter-final saw different outcomes as Serbia confirmed their title-favorite status by dominating Italy 13-3 while Hungary also in convincing fashion got past hosts Turkey 10-4. In the early session matches, all played in the indoor pool of Turkish national champion Galatasaray, the teams out of medal contention made their first step towards their final ranking in this year's 18 & under world championships. South Africa started of well by beating Peru 7-10 in the opening match on Friday and will now meet Iran on Saturday after the Irani topped New Zealand who stormed back in the final quarter of regulation to tie the game but eventually had to settle or the 16-17 shoot-out defeat. Also victorious were Kazakhstan who held off Argentina 8-7 in another close encounter now facing Brazil who edged Egypt 11-13. Finally Canada held on to finish 9th as they topped Japan 11-10 thanks to a winning goal with just 0.25 on the clock. Australia gained a sensational victory over USA 7-8. In a late surge the Aussies scored thrice in the fourth quarter while keeping a clean sheet as they stormed back from trailing 7-5 to win 7-8 now playing Canada on Saturday.

2nd FINA World Men's Youth Championships
Age 18 & under

Ataköy Sutopu Federasyonu Olimpik Yuzme Havuzu
Istanbul, Turkey

2-10 August

Schedule and results

Friday, 8 August (quarter and semi-final day):

10.00: Peru (L41) vs. South Africa (L42) 7-10 (1-2, 1-1, 2-2, 3-5) - game 49 (played in Galatasaray Swimming Pool)
11.30: Kazakhstan (W41) vs. Argentina (W42) 8-7 (1-1, 2-2, 3-2, 2-2) - game 50 (played in Galatasaray Swimming Pool)
13.00: New Zealand (L43) vs. Iran (L44) 16-17 (2-4, 0-2, 3-3, 4-0; penalties: 7-8) - game 51 (played in Galatasaray Swimming Pool)
14.30: Egypt (W43) vs. Brazil (W44) 11-13 (3-2, 2-6, 2-2, 4-3) - game 52 (played in Galatasaray Swimming Pool)
16.00: Canada (L45) vs. Japan (L46) 11-10 (3-2, 2-1, 1-3, 5-4)  - game 53 (played in Galatasaray Swimming Pool)
17.30: USA (L47) vs. Australia (L48) 7-8 (1-1, 4-3, 2-1, 0-3) - game 54 (played in Galatasaray Swimming Pool)

16.00: Montenegro (1B) vs. Spain (W45) 12-14 (1-2, 2-1, 3-3, 3-3; penalties: 3-5) - game 56
17.20: Russia (1C) vs. Croatia (W47) 12-11 (3-1, 1-3, 1-1, 1-1; penalties: 6-5) - game 57
18.40: Serbia (1D) vs. Italy (W48) 13-3 (2-1, 4-0, 2-1, 5-1) - game 58
20.00: Hungary (1A) vs. Turkey (W46) 10-4 (2-1, 4-1, 1-1, 3-1) - game 55

Saturday, 9 August (semi-final and final round):

10.00: Peru (L49) vs. New Zealand (L51) - game 59 (to be played in Galatasaray Swimming Pool)
11.30: South Africa (W49) vs. Iran (W51) - game 60 (to be played in Galatasaray Swimming Pool)
13.00: Argentina (L50) vs. Egypt (L52) - game 61 (to be played in Galatasaray Swimming Pool)

09.00: Kazakhstan (W50) vs. Brazil (W52) - game 62
10.20: Japan (L53) vs. USA (L54) - game 63
11.40: Canada (W53) vs. Australia (W54) - game 64
13.00: Turkey (L55) vs. Croatia (L57) - game 65
16.00: Montenegro (L56) vs. Italy (L58) - game 66

17.20: Hungary (W55) vs. Russia (W57) - game 67
18.40: Spain (W56) vs. Serbia (W58) - game 68

Sunday 10 August (final round):

10.30: L65 vs. L66
12.00: W65 vs. W66
18.00: L67 vs. L68 (3rd/4th place)
19.30: W67 vs. W68 (1st/2nd place)

Previous results

Saturday, 2 August:

09.00: Hungary vs. USA 13-8 (3-4, 1-2, 3-0, 6-2)
10.20: Spain vs. Egypt 22-6 (7-1, 5-0, 5-3, 5-2)
11.40: Argentina vs. Montenegro 3-17 (0-6, 0-3, 0-4, 3-4)
13.00: Iran vs. Japan 3-12 (0-3, 2-4, 1-2, 0-3)
15.30: Italy vs. Russia 7-9 (2-2, 2-3, 1-2, 2-2)
16.50: Croatia vs. Canada 12-7 (3-2, 4-1, 3-2, 2-2)
18.10: Serbia vs. Peru 31-1 (6-0, 7-0, 8-1, 11-0)
20.30: South Africa vs. Turkey 6-14 (0-1, 1-5, 2-4, 3-4)

Sunday, 3 August:

09.00: Japan vs. Argentina 16-8 (2-2, 4-2, 6-3, 4-1)
10.20: Australia vs. Iran 13-1 (3-0, 1-0, 6-1, 3-0)
11.40: Russia vs. South Africa 11-4 (2-0, 6-1, 2-1, 1-2)
13.00: Brazil vs. Italy 8-9 (0-3, 3-2, 2-0, 3-4)
16.00: Peru vs. Croatia 2-21 (0-5, 0-5, 2-6, 0-5)
17.20: New Zealand vs. Serbia 8-18 (2-5, 2-6, 1-6, 3-1)
18.40: Egypt vs. Hungary 5-21 (2-5, 0-5, 1-2, 2-9)
20.00: Kazakhstan vs. Spain 3-20 (1-4, 2-5, 0-5, 0-6)

Monday, 4 August:

09.00: South Africa vs. Brazil 4-15 (0-6, 1-2, 2-4, 1-3)
10.20: Canada vs. Peru 18-6 (4-0, 3-1, 7-3, 4-2)
11.40: Croatia vs. New Zealand 11-8 (4-2, 0-3, 3-2, 4-1)
13.00: USA vs. Egypt 12-8 (4-1, 2-1, 4-2, 2-4)
16.00: Hungary vs. Kazakhstan 24-2 (3-0, 9-0, 8-1, 4-1)
17.20: Montenegro vs. Japan 14-10 (2-3, 6-5, 3-0, 3-2)
18.40: Argentina vs. Australia 3-17 (2-5, 0-2, 0-6, 1-4)
20.00: Turkey vs. Russia 8-8 (4-2, 2-1, 0-2, 2-3)

Tuesday, 5 August:

09.00: New Zealand vs. Canada 6-9 (1-0, 1-5, 4-2, 0-2)
10.20: Serbia vs. Croatia 11-9 (3-4, 2-2, 3-2, 3-1)
11.40: Kazakhstan vs. USA 3-18 (2-1, 0-6, 0-5, 1-6)
13.00: Spain vs. Hungary 6-6 (1-1, 1-3, 3-0, 1-2)
16.00: Australia vs. Montenegro 4-8 (2-1, 1-2, 0-3, 1-2)
17.20: Iran vs. Argentina 9-10 (1-2, 3-4, 3-3, 2-1)
18.40: Italy vs. South Africa 17-1 (4-0, 4-0, 4-1, 5-0)
20.00: Brazil vs. Turkey 16-19 (3-5, 5-5, 3-4, 5-5)

Wednesday, 6 August:

09.00: USA vs. Spain 8-11 (2-2, 2-4, 2-2, 2-3)
10.20: Kazakhstan vs. Egypt 8-7 (1-2, 3-5, 2-0, 2-0)
11.40: Montenegro vs. Iran 14-0 (2-0, 3-0, 4-0, 5-0)
13.00: Australia vs. Japan 7-11 (2-3, 2-2, 1-4, 2-2)
16.00: Brazil vs. Russia 7-12 (1-2, 0-4, 2-3, 4-3)
17.20: Canada vs. Serbia 3-20 (0-4, 1-6, 2-3, 0-7)
18.40: New Zealand vs. Peru 15-6
20.00: Turkey vs. Italy 8-10 (3-2, 4-1, 1-3, 0-4)

Final group standings

Group A:

1. Hungary 4 - 7 pts
2. Spain 4 - 7
3. USA 4 - 4
4. Kazakhstan 4 - 2
5. Egypt 4 - 0

Group B:

1. Montenegro 4 - 8 pts
2. Japan 4 - 6
3. Australia 4 - 4
4. Argentina 4 - 2
5. Iran 4 - 0

Group C:

1. Russia 4 - 7 pts
2. Italy 4 - 6
3. Turkey 4 - 5
4. Brazil 4 - 2
5. South Africa 4 - 0

Group D:

1. Serbia 4 - 8 pts
2. Croatia 4 - 6
3. Canada 4 - 4
4. New Zealand 4 - 2
5. Peru 4 - 0

Thursday, 7 August (qualification round):

09.00: Kazakhstan (4A) vs. Peru (5D) 11-8 (4-1, 2-3, 3-1, 2-3) - game 41
10.20: Argentina (4B) vs. South Africa (5C) 7-6 (2-1, 1-3, 1-1, 3-1) - game 42
11.40: Egypt (5A) vs. New Zealand (4D) 18-17 (3-5, 2-3, 4-3, 4-2; penalties: 5-4) - game 43
13.00: Iran (5B) vs. Brazil (4C) 4-12 (0-2, 2-2, 1-2, 1-6) - game 44

16.00: Spain (2A) vs. Canada (3D) 10-6 (3-1, 4-3, 0-1, 3-1) - game 45 (played at Tozkoparan swimming pool due to heavy rains)
17.20: Japan (2B) vs. Turkey (3C) 14-15 (1-8, 5-3, 3-1, 5-3) - game 46
18.40: USA (3A) vs. Croatia (2D) 6-8 (1-2, 2-4, 1-1, 2-1) - game 47
20.00: Australia (3B) vs. Italy (2C) 3-9 (0-3, 2-2, 0-2, 1-2) - game 48


Hosts advance to quarter-finals - Istanbul day 6

|Thursday 07 August 2014, 21:45|Tim Hartog

A busy day 6 of the men's world youth championships in Istanbul was marked by heavy rains that even caused some delay and cancellation of one match as Spain and Canada were forced to move elsewhere to play their crossover match for quarter-final qualification, eventually won by Spain 10-6. Good news was to be welcomed by the home fans though as Turkey prevailed in a high-scoring encounter against Japan to win 14-15 and advance to the quarter-finals where group A winners Hungary await. In the other crossover matches it was Croatia who edged USA thanks to a better first half eventually finishing on top 6-8 while Italy was the final side to join the quarterfinalists beating Australia 3-9 in Thursday's last match. The early session saw the bottom half of the tournament compete. Kazakhstan kicked off the action by topping Peru 11-8 and then Argentna won a close game over South Africa 7-6 to remain in the run for a nice classification. The day's third match-up was also a rather close one as Egypt and New Zealand were tied 13-13 after regulation and the penalty shoot-out saw the Egyptians winning 5-4 for the 18-17 final score. They will now Friday face Brazil who convincingly got past Iran 4-12.
 In the championships quarter-finals on Friday Hungary faces hosts Turkey, Montenegro takes on Spain while group C winners Russia meet Croatia for a spot in the semis. And finally Serbia battles Italy to complete the semi-finalists Friday night. 
2nd FINA World Men's Youth Championships
Age 18 & under

Ataköy Sutopu Federasyonu Olimpik Yuzme Havuzu
Istanbul, Turkey

2-10 August

Schedule and results

Thursday, 7 August (qualification round):

09.00: Kazakhstan (4A) vs. Peru (5D) 11-8 (4-1, 2-3, 3-1, 2-3) - game 41
10.20: Argentina (4B) vs. South Africa (5C) 7-6 (2-1, 1-3, 1-1, 3-1) - game 42
11.40: Egypt (5A) vs. New Zealand (4D) 18-17 (3-5, 2-3, 4-3, 4-2; penalties: 5-4) - game 43
13.00: Iran (5B) vs. Brazil (4C) 4-12 (0-2, 2-2, 1-2, 1-6) - game 44

16.00: Spain (2A) vs. Canada (3D) 10-6 (3-1, 4-3, 0-1, 3-1) - game 45 (played at Tozkoparan swimming pool due to heavy rains)
17.20: Japan (2B) vs. Turkey (3C) 14-15 (1-8, 5-3, 3-1, 5-3) - game 46
18.40: USA (3A) vs. Croatia (2D) 6-8 (1-2, 2-4, 1-1, 2-1) - game 47
20.00: Australia (3B) vs. Italy (2C) 3-9 (0-3, 2-2, 0-2, 1-2) - game 48

Friday, 8 August (quarter and semi-final day):

10.00: Peru (L41) vs. South Africa (L42) - game 49 (to be played in Galatasaray Swimming Pool)
11.30: Kazakhstan (W41) vs. Argentina (W42) - game 50 (to be played in Galatasaray Swimming Pool)
13.00: New Zealand (L43) vs. Iran (L44) - game 51 (to be played in Galatasaray Swimming Pool)
14.30: Egypt (W43) vs. Brazil (W44) - game 52 (to be played in Galatasaray Swimming Pool)
16.00: Canada (L45) vs. Japan (L46) - game 53 (to be played in Galatasaray Swimming Pool)
17.30: USA (L47) vs. Australia (L48) - game 54 (to be played in Galatasaray Swimming Pool)

16.00: Montenegro (1B) vs. Spain (W45) - game 56
17.20: Russia (1C) vs. Croatia (W47) - game 57
18.40: Serbia (1D) vs. Italy (W48) - game 58
20.00: Hungary (1A) vs. Turkey (W46) - game 55

Saturday, 9 August (semi-final and final round):

10.00: L49 vs. L51 - game 59 (to be played in Galatasaray Swimming Pool)
11.30: W49 vs. W51 - game 60 (to be played in Galatasaray Swimming Pool)
13.00: L50 vs. L52 - game 61 (to be played in Galatasaray Swimming Pool)

09.00: W50 vs. W52 - game 62
10.20: L53 vs. L54 - game 63
11.40: W53 vs. W54 - game 64
13.00: L55 vs. L57 - game 65
16.00: L56 vs. L58 - game 66
17.20: W55 vs. W57 - game 67
18.40: W56 vs. W58 - game 68

España supera a Canadá y ya está en cuartos

07/08/2014 - La Selección Juvenil ha superado a Canadá por 10—6 (3—1, 4—3, 0—1 y 3—1) y ya está en cuartos de final del Mundial tras una agitada jornada. La Selección ha debido disputar este encuentro en la piscina de entrenamiento y sin cronómetros tras suspenderse los partidos en la piscina del campeonato debido a una fuerte tormenta. Montenegro será nuestro rival mañana en cuartos.
El inicio de los cruces en el Mundial de Estambul ha sido harto complicado para la Selección Española. El choque ante Canadá, previsto a primera hora de esta tarde, ha debido ser suspendido debido a la fortísima tormenta que ha descargado sobre la capital turca, obligando a la organización a derivarlo a la instalación cubierta de entrenamiento. Sin embargo, existía un importante hándicap: esta piscina no disponía de cronos.
El equipo de David Martín y Mario García ha sabido sobreponerse a las circunstancias para dominar el compromiso desde el primer parcial y firmar un 10-6 que certifica su progreso a los cuartos de final. La anotación del día la han encabezado Roger Tahull, autor de tres tantos, y Sergi Cabanas, que ha firmado dos. También han marcado una diana Marc Corbalán, Agustí Pericas, Borja Fenoy, Guillem Garcia y Alejandro Bustos.
La Selección se medirá mañana a la temible Montenegro, que accede a los cuartos como líder invicta del grupo B, donde se impuso a Austria (8-4), Argentina (17-3) y Japón (14-10). El horario del partido queda por determinar.

ESP vence a EE.UU. y cierra la 1ª fase invicta

ESP vence a EE.UU. y cierra la 1ª fase invicta

06/08/2014 - La Selección Juvenil ha cerrado una brillante primera fase en el Mundial con victoria ante los EE.UU. por 8—11 (2—2, 2—4, —2 y 2—3). En el encuentro de hoy, celebrado en el primer turno matinal, han anotado Borja Fenoy y Roger Tahull (tres goles cada uno), Marc Corbalán (dos más) y Miquel Gasulla, Xavi Serra y Sergi Cabanas. Los de David Martín cierran la liguilla en 2ª plaza igualados a 7 puntos con Hungría, y deberán disputar los octavos de final mañana ante Canadá (3º grupo D).

Play-off phase up ahead - Istanbul day 5

|Wednesday 06 August 2014, 18:39|Tim Hartog

© Alexander Kothe

Thanks to an 8-10 comeback win for Italy over hosts Turkey in the last match of the final group stage day of the 2014 men's world youth championships in Istanbul, the final rankings in group C were tussled on the very last moment. The Italians trailed the home side no less than 7-3 at half-time of their encounter on Wednesday before a completely different second half turned things around. Thanks to 1-3 and 0-4 runs Italy went on to win by 2 and therewith held Turkey from a possible group win and bye in the qualification round tomorrow. Now the Italians took second place behind Russia while Turkey finishes third and faces group B 2nd-ranked Japan for a spot in the quarter-finals. Italy in the next round faces Australia to qualify with the final eight. In other results on Thursday Spain secured their second spot in their group holding off USA 8-11 in the opening match, followed by close clash with Kazakhstan prevailing over Egypt 8-7. Montenegro then crushed Iran 14-0 and Japan boosted its confidence by beating Australia 7-11 to finish second in group B. Russia took the top spot in group C thanks to a solid 7-12 victory over Brazil and Serbia powered to first place in group D rolling past Canada 3-20 to stay unbeaten in the group stage. New Zealand, although out of medal contention, avoid a last place finish in that group D by convincingly topping Peru 15-6 before Italy stunned the home crowd with their 2-goal victory to close out the preliminary phase. All group winners directly qualified for the quarter-finals while the respective 2nd and 3rd ranked teams will be in action tomorrow to join them with the final eight teams of the tournament.

2nd FINA World Men's Youth Championships
Age 18 & under

Gençlik Spor Ve İl Müdürlüğü Havuzu
Istanbul, Turkey

2-10 August

Schedule and results

Wednesday, 6 August:

09.00: USA vs. Spain 8-11 (2-2, 2-4, 2-2, 2-3)
10.20: Kazakhstan vs. Egypt 8-7 (1-2, 3-5, 2-0, 2-0)
11.40: Montenegro vs. Iran 14-0 (2-0, 3-0, 4-0, 5-0)
13.00: Australia vs. Japan 7-11 (2-3, 2-2, 1-4, 2-2)
16.00: Brazil vs. Russia 7-12 (1-2, 0-4, 2-3, 4-3)
17.20: Canada vs. Serbia 3-20 (0-4, 1-6, 2-3, 0-7)
18.40: New Zealand vs. Peru 15-6
20.00: Turkey vs. Italy 8-10 (3-2, 4-1, 1-3, 0-4)

Final group standings
Group A:
1. Hungary 4 - 7 pts
2. Spain 4 - 7
3. USA 4 - 4
4. Kazakhstan 4 - 2
5. Egypt 4 - 0

Group B:

1. Montenegro 4 - 8 pts
2. Japan 4 - 6
3. Australia 4 - 4
4. Argentina 4 - 2
5. Iran 4 - 0

Group C:

1. Russia 4 - 7 pts
2. Italy 4 - 6
3. Turkey 4 - 5
4. Brazil 4 - 2
5. South Africa 4 - 0

Group D:

1. Serbia 4 - 8 pts
2. Croatia 4 - 6
3. Canada 4 - 4
4. New Zealand 4 - 2
5. Peru 4 - 0

Thursday, 7 August (qualification round):

09.00: Kazakhstan (4A) vs. Peru (5D) - game 41
10.20: Argentina (4B) vs. South Africa (5C) - game 42
11.40: Egypt (5A) vs. New Zealand (4D) - game 43
13.00: Iran (5B) vs. Brazil (4C) - game 44

16.00: Spain (2A) vs. Canada (3D) - game 45
17.20: Japan (2B) vs. Turkey (3C) - game 46
18.40: USA (3A) vs. Croatia (2D) - game 47
20.00: Australia (3B) vs. Italy (2C) - game 48

* the first placed teams in group A, group B, group C and group D have a bye.

Serbia beats Croatia, Hungary ties in final seconds - Istanbul day 4

|Tuesday 05 August 2014, 20:20|Tim Hartog

Some big match-ups and close games marked the fourth day at the men's world youth championships in Istanbul on Tuesday. Canada started off well by dominating the second and fourth quarter of their match against New Zealand to win 6-9. Serbia and Croatia, the same countries who battled for the bronze medal two years ago in the inaugural championships edition in Perth, took center stage next. A close match-up for three periods both sides had leads before Serbia finally secured an 11-9 victory by winning the final period 3-1. USA then rolled past Kazakhstan before Spain and Hungary prove to be close as well. In fact, the Spaniards were as close to a confidence-boosting victory over the ambitious Hungarians as they could get before Hungary equalised with just five seconds remaining. The draw means Hungary is likely to top their group but will have to await the result from the USA-Spain game on Wednesday to confirm. Spain needs a ten-goal rout of the Americans to take the group's first place. Meanwhile on Tuesday Montenegro overcame a tough opponent in Autralia who fought well in especially the first half but had to settle for the 4-8 defeat as the Montenegrins walked away in the third term and secured their solid win in the final eight minutes. Another close game was to be seen up next as Argentina held on against Iran to triumph 9-10. Italy then crushed South Africa 17-1 before the final match-up of the day turned into a scoring festival. No less than 35 goals were on display as Brazil took on hosts Turkey who prevailed and won their second match of the tournament with an incredible score of 16-19. Wednesday will see the final group stage round and thus the winners who automatically qualify for the quarter-finals.
2nd FINA World Men's Youth Championships
Age 18 & under

Gençlik Spor Ve İl Müdürlüğü Havuzu
Istanbul, Turkey

2-10 August

Schedule and results

Tuesday, 5 August:

09.00: New Zealand vs. Canada 6-9 (1-0, 1-5, 4-2, 0-2)
10.20: Serbia vs. Croatia 11-9 (3-4, 2-2, 3-2, 3-1)
11.40: Kazakhstan vs. USA 3-18 (2-1, 0-6, 0-5, 1-6)
13.00: Spain vs. Hungary 6-6 (1-1, 1-3, 3-0, 1-2)
16.00: Australia vs. Montenegro 4-8 (2-1, 1-2, 0-3, 1-2)
17.20: Iran vs. Argentina 9-10 (1-2, 3-4, 3-3, 2-1)
18.40: Italy vs. South Africa 17-1 (4-0, 4-0, 4-1, 5-0)
20.00: Brazil vs. Turkey 16-19 (3-5, 5-5, 3-4, 5-5)

Wednesday, 6 August:

09.00: USA vs. Spain
10.20: Kazakhstan vs. Egypt
11.40: Montenegro vs. Iran
13.00: Australia vs. Japan
16.00: Brazil vs. Russia
17.20: Canada vs. Serbia
18.40: New Zealand vs. Peru
20.00: Turkey vs. Italy

España araña un valioso empate a 6 con Hungría

España araña un valioso empate a 6 con Hungría

05/08/2014 - La Selección Juvenil ha empatado a 6 (1—1, 1—3, 3—0 y 1—2) con Hungría en la tercera jornada de la fase preliminar, y sigue en la pelea por el liderato de su grupo. En un encuentro en el que ha brillado especialmente el meta Miquel Linares, autor de 12 paradas de mérito, han marcado Alejandro Bustos, en dos ocasiones, Sergi Cabanas, Xavi Serra, Miquel Gasulla y Roger Tahull. El próximo compromiso del equipo queda fijado para mañana a las 8h, hora española, ante Estados Unidos.

Russia rallies late to tie hosts - Istanbul day 3

|Monday 04 August 2014, 21:46|Tim Hartog
Brazil was the first side victorious on day 3 of the world men's youth championships in Istanbul. The Brazilians dominated South Africa starting with a 0-6 opening quarter win en route to a 4-15 triumph. The third preliminary round featured more big victories as Canada rolled past Peru 18-6, Hungary crushed Kazakhstan 24-2 and Australia held Argentina to scoring just three goals in a 3-17 win. The closes match of the day was the final one as hosts Turkey looked well underway to edging Russia leading 8-6 with four minutes to play. But the Russia rallied late scoring twice in the next two minutes to draw level 8-8 as the game saw the tied score being held until the final whistle. In other games USA recorded a four-goal victory over Egypt 12-8 for their first win of the tournament while Montenegro finished on top in a high-scoring contest with Japan 14-10. Croatia meanwhile saw New Zealand grabbing a 4-5 lead at half-time thanks to a 0-3 run in the second quarter before the Croatias restored their opening-quarter lead in a dominant display in the final term to win 11-8 and stay unbeaten.

2nd FINA World Men's Youth Championships
Age 18 & under

Gençlik Spor Ve İl Müdürlüğü Havuzu
Istanbul, Turkey

2-10 August

Schedule and results

Monday, 4 August:

09.00: South Africa vs. Brazil 4-15 (0-6, 1-2, 2-4, 1-3)
10.20: Canada vs. Peru 18-6 (4-0, 3-1, 7-3, 4-2)
11.40: Croatia vs. New Zealand 11-8 (4-2, 0-3, 3-2, 4-1)
13.00: USA vs. Egypt 12-8 (4-1, 2-1, 4-2, 2-4)
16.00: Hungary vs. Kazakhstan 24-2 (3-0, 9-0, 8-1, 4-1)
17.20: Montenegro vs. Japan 14-10 (2-3, 6-5, 3-0, 3-2)
18.40: Argentina vs. Australia 3-17 (2-5, 0-2, 0-6, 1-4)
20.00: Turkey vs. Russia 8-8 (4-2, 2-1, 0-2, 2-3)

Tuesday, 5 August:

09.00: New Zealand vs. Canada
10.20: Serbia vs. Croatia
11.40: Kazakhstan vs. USA
13.00: Spain vs. Hungary
16.00: Australia vs. Montenegro
17.20: Iran vs. Argentina
18.40: Italy vs. South Africa
20.00: Brazil vs. Turkey

Foto: Day 4

Mundial Juv: España bate a Kazajistán (3—20)

03/08/2014 - La Selección Juvenil Masculina no ha tenido problemas para imponerse a Kazajistán por 3—20 (1—4, 2—5, 0—5 y 0—6) y cosechar su segunda victoria consecutiva en el Mundial de Estambul. Lideró el apartado goleador Roger Tahull, autor de seis tantos, acompañado en este capítulo por Sergi Cabans y Marc Corbalán (3 goles), Borja Fenoy y Miquel Gasulla (2) y Xavi Serra, Agustí Pericas, Guillem Garcia y Alejandro Bustos, que anotaron una diana. El martes, primer gran reto contra Hungría.

No surprises - Istanbul day 2

|Monday 04 August 2014, 00:16|Tim Hartog
© Alexander Kothe
The second day of action at the U18 world youth championships in Istanbul brought no surprises. With Japan recording a solid but confident 16-8 victory over Argentina to kick off day 2 on Sunday the favorites followed by all adding some expected points to their total. Only defending champions Italy bounced back from their opening day loss to Russia by this time holding off Brazil in a close game 8-9. Croatia and Serbia then dominated their opponent winning by ten or more goals and the final pair of matches of the day saw evenly one-sided encounters as Hungary rolled past Egypt 5-21 and Spain closed out the day by holding Kazakhstan to scoring just three goals in a 3-20 display.

2nd FINA World Men's Youth Championships
Age 18 & under

Gençlik Spor Ve İl Müdürlüğü Havuzu
Istanbul, Turkey

2-10 August

Schedule and results

Sunday, 3 August:

09.00: Japan vs. Argentina 16-8 (2-2, 4-2, 6-3, 4-1)
10.20: Australia vs. Iran 13-1 (3-0, 1-0, 6-1, 3-0)
11.40: Russia vs. South Africa 11-4 (2-0, 6-1, 2-1, 1-2)
13.00: Brazil vs. Italy 8-9 (0-3, 3-2, 2-0, 3-4)
16.00: Peru vs. Croatia 2-21 (0-5, 0-5, 2-6, 0-5)
17.20: New Zealand vs. Serbia 8-18 (2-5, 2-6, 1-6, 3-1)
18.40: Egypt vs. Hungary 5-21 (2-5, 0-5, 1-2, 2-9)
20.00: Kazakhstan vs. Spain 3-20 (1-4, 2-5, 0-5, 0-6)

Monday, 4 August:

09.00: South Africa vs. Brazil
10.20: Canada vs. Peru
11.40: Croatia vs. New Zealand
13.00: USA vs. Egypt
16.00: Hungary vs. Kazakhstan
17.20: Montenegro vs. Japan
18.40: Argentina vs. Australia
20.00: Turkey vs. Russia

Hungary rallies back for win in Istanbul openers

|Saturday 02 August 2014, 21:54|Tim Hartog

The 2nd men's World Youth championships got underway on Saturday in Istanbul with Hungary and USA squarring off. The Americans came out ready to play and actually established a 4-6 lead at half-time before the Hungarians, runners-up in the inaugural edition late 2012, rallied in the third and fourth quarter to win 13-8. In other news from day 1 of the world youth championships defending champions Italy suffered a loss in their tournament start falling to Russia 7-9. To close out the day hosts Turkey recorded a 6-14 victory over South Africa while in earlier games the favorites made no mistakes and posted dominating wins. Only Canada stayed close to Croatia for three quarters but with a 4-1 loss in the second term, still had to settle for the 12-7 defeat.2nd FINA World Men's Youth Championships
Age 18 & under

Gençlik Spor Ve İl Müdürlüğü Havuzu
Istanbul, Turkey

2-10 August

Schedule and results

Saturday, 2 August:

09.00: Hungary vs. USA 13-8 (3-4, 1-2, 3-0, 6-2)
10.20: Spain vs. Egypt 22-6 (7-1, 5-0, 5-3, 5-2)
11.40: Argentina vs. Montenegro 3-17 (0-6, 0-3, 0-4, 3-4)
13.00: Iran vs. Japan 3-12 (0-3, 2-4, 1-2, 0-3)
15.30: Italy vs. Russia 7-9 (2-2, 2-3, 1-2, 2-2)
16.50: Croatia vs. Canada 12-7 (3-2, 4-1, 3-2, 2-2)
18.10: Serbia vs. Peru 31-1 (6-0, 7-0, 8-1, 11-0)
20.30: South Africa vs. Turkey 6-14 (0-1, 1-5, 2-4, 3-4)

Sunday, 3 August:

09.00: Japan vs. Argentina
10.20: Australia vs. Iran
11.40: Russia vs. South Africa
13.00: Brazil vs. Italy
16.00: Peru vs. Croatia
17.20: New Zealand vs. serbia
18.40: Egypt vs. Hungary
20.00: Kazakhstan vs. Spain

Mundial Juv: España golea a Egipto (22—6)

Mundial Juv: España golea a Egipto (22—6)

02/08/2014 - La Selección Juvenil Masculina ha tenido un plácido debut en el Campeonato del Mundo de Estambul goleando a Egipto (22—6: 7—1, 5—0, 5—3 y 5—1) en el primer choque de la fase regular. Los goleadores españoles han sido: Borja Fenoy, Miquel Gasulla y Roger Tahull, cuatro tantos; Xavi Serra, tres; Sergi Cabanas, Alejandro Bustos y Agustí Pericas, dos, y Guillem Garcia uno. En el otro encuentro del grupo, Hungría ha batido a EE.UU (8—13). Mañana a las 19:30, ESP—KAZ.

Foto: Istanbul first day. Good luck to everybody!!!

Istanbul set for 2nd men's World Youth championships

|Thursday 31 July 2014, 13:32|Tim Hartog

After the successful inaugural 2012 World Youth (age 18 & under) championships in Perth, Australia this summer the respective second editions will be held. First up the men's tournament in Istanbul, Turkey. Here no less than nineteen teams will try become the successor of Italy who claimed the gold medal late 2012 by winning a memorable final over Hungary 8-10. The highly talented side went on to also conquer the 20 & under World Juniors in Szombathelyi, Hungary the following year. And with standouts Andrea Fondelli and Alessandro Velotto already in action for the senior Italian team at the recent European championships in Budapest winning the bronze medal, one could see where having success at these junior tournaments can lead up to. Serbia's Dusan Mandic is one of the other true examples. 

Now a busy preliminary round kicks off on Saturday with special attention to group A where Spain and Hungary will meet USA while Serbia and Croatia (battling for the bronze in the 2012 edition, Serbia won 8-7) were drawn in group D with Peru, Canada and New Zealand as opponents. The Serbs will miss one of the greatest talents of this generation in centre-back Nikola Jaksic who is recovering from an injury in the hope of being fit in time for the later U19 European Junior Championships in Tbilisi, Georgia. Meanwhile defending champions Italy face hosts Turkey, Brazil, Russia and South Africa in group C. The five-team group B is led by last year's U17 European championship gold medallists Montenegro who take on Australia, Iran, Argentina and Japan in the group stage. The respective group winners advance to the quarter-finals, the second and third-ranked teams play a qualification round to join them.

2nd FINA World Men's Youth Championships
Age 18 & under

Gençlik Spor Ve İl Müdürlüğü Havuzu
Istanbul, Turkey

2-10 August

Group A: Kazakhstan, Spain, Hungary, USA, Egypt
Group B: Australia, Iran, Argentina, Montenegro, Japan
Group C: Brazil, Italy, Turkey, Russia, South Africa
Group D: Serbia, Croatia, Peru, Canada, New Zealand.


Saturday, 2 August:

09.00: Hungary vs. USA
10.20: Spain vs. Egypt
11.40: Argentina vs. Montenegro
13.00: Iran vs. Japan
15.30: Italy vs. Russia
16.50: Croatia vs. Canada
18.10: Serbia vs. Peru
20.30: South Africa vs. Turkey

La Seleción Juvenil, a punto para el Mundial

La Seleción Juvenil, a punto para el Mundial

01/08/2014 - El equipo Juvenil ya está en Turquía dispuesto a iniciar su concurso en el Campeonato del Mundo de la disciplina. Guiados por el seleccionador David Martín y con la ayuda del también ex internacional español Mario García, el conjunto nacional se estrenará mañana sábado contra Egipto a las 10:20h (hora turca). La web oficial ofrecerá streaming en directo de los partidos.
España ya está en Estambul para iniciar su concurso en el Mundial Juvenil Masculino, prueba de referencia para la categoría de este verano. Los 13 elegidos se estrenan en una competición del calibre junto a sus dos nuevos técnicos, David Martín, segundo de su hermano Chus en el CN Atlètic-Barceloneta, y el también ex internacional Mario García, que ha abandonado la práctica del deporte activo este mismo año.
La Selección disputará la manga preliminar, que se prolongará del sábado al próximo miércoles, en el grupo A, junto a Kazajistán, Egipto, Estados Unidos y la temida Hungría. Al igual que en el certamen absoluto, el líder de grupo avanza directo a la ronda de cuartos de final (prevista el próximo viernes), mientras que segundo y tercero disputarán los octavos de final. Las semifinales se disputarán el sábado, y la gran final, el domingo.
Los encuentros podrán seguirse por streaming aquí:
Convocatoria oficial: ENLACE
Programa de la competición: aquí
Web del campeonato:

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