24 febrero 2012

Semifinal Euro Cup C.N.Sabadell-Szolnok (HUN)

More than 300 photos in :

El Sabadell gana 9-8 al Szolnok húngaro en la ida de semifinales ( Mundo Deportivo )


El Natació Sabadell viatjarà a Hongria amb una renta mínima (9-8) per jugar-se l'accés a la final de l'Eurocup ( Radio Sabadell )

Els de Gabi Hernández han derrotat al Szolnoki en un gran partit que ha decidit Matej Nastran a manca de quatre segons


Sabadell and Savona win leg 1


WATERPOLO -Gran victòria del Sabadell a l'Eurocup i sort diferent pels catalans a Europa

G. Hernández:"Sólo pasaremos ganando en Hungría"

El Sabadell se avanza por 9—8 ante el Szolnok

El CN Sabadell, ante las ´semis´ de la Euro Cup


El Natació Sabadell rep el Szolnoky a l'anada de les semifinals de l'Eurocup de waterpolo (Radio Sabadell)
El vigent campió de la Copa del Rei s'enfronta a un dels equips més forts del continent amb la necessitat d'aconseguir un bon resultat per a la tornada


Euro Cup semis about to start

| Friday 24 February 2012, 16:52 | Tim Hartog ( Waterpolo World )

While the quarter finalists in the Champions League will be decided, the LEN Euro Cup tournament will see the best four teams of this year's edition performing in their first clash on Saturday. The first semi-final will be between the current national league's number two's from Spain and Hungary as newly Spanish national cup winners Sabadell take on a strong acting Szolnok squad. A battle between two great centre-forwards: Ivan Perez (Sabadell) and Gabor Kis (Szolnok) who recently returned from an injury that kept him out the Hungarian national team line-up for the European Championships in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Szolnok will still miss the offensive presence from Romanian international Ramiro Georgescu who is recovering from an ear-injury incurred during the Europeans at Eindhoven. Szolnok was the only semi-finalist who started the quarter finals with a win (11-7 against Russian representative Sintez Kazan) while Sabadell got stuck to a 13-13 draw against the Croatian side of VK Medvescak before advancing to the semi-finals was made possible with a 12-9 win in the second leg.


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